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Thursday, May 5, 2011


what a dayyy..

It started out in English class..

Yusof, a friend of mine been stalking my phone!!!! Argggggggghhhhhhhh!! Well I'm not mad just uncomfortable with life since you guys know about my talent and background life..

I'm just normal person, nothings much. I'm just like you guys, don't think that I'm rich enough. Just because you guys know we have pool, mercedez and I can play Guitar! No doesn't mean we're so rich!! Nooo, we're just like you guys! Okayyy, hopefully you guys just treat me as you guys treat the others. I'm mind that if you tell others, ohh that rich girl. Please don't say that. Cause I'm not worth to be call like that.

I'm just afraid that, when you know this you're just trying to take advantage from me. Oh well no! I will just treat you guys like you guys did then.ahhahahaha! What a word. No I don't blame in this matter, it just you see.. So many people with different thinkingright? Geheheheh bah udah th, :DD

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