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Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Mau inda mau I have to blog via phone which is dayyyuuummmm uglayyyy for me to update now --'
So yeahhh, I've joined choir club! YEAYYY! Will make a performance on stage this saturday singing the National Anthem.. Tut tut tut, guess what?? I'm the Altos people :DD
There were only 9people showed up for audition I mean the BEs, well then the 2nd day ,more BEs coming like 5-6 I think or less than that --'

Choir is not only singing the patriotic song okay!! That's only when you're in competition! It's part of glee club, well depends on AJK how they will make fun activities towards us (the other choir). I'm proud to be one of them. In audition, I sang " Jar of Hearts " by Christina Perri in a nervous mode --' well, it's a common thing happen to us a human right?!! :ppp

what else have to share aaa~~~~~~~

Oh yeah, having my first APR today! Which is physic quiet easy but not confident to get A, atleast please I get B for it. PLEASE!!!!!! If I get A or B I'll show off to my dad! Yeasss to my dad only! Proving him I'm trying hard enough, okay ends there.. And yeah, escapes from English last Monday. Well, ermm It was just reading! So I'm not interested to enter the class, and Sir already filled the pink form of escape, oh yeahh so epic! --'

what else??? Ermm ermm ermm, E-club!!! Going to have an Ice-breaking this Sunday! Yeay, can't wait for it. Except for this lady joining the club, deal with it --'
So yeah
Bah I think I shall finish here..ahahhaha! Chill people, and drinks redbull! .ahhaha lameeeyyyy

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