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Monday, February 7, 2011


I arrived home from Mandarin class~
That was not tiring, my class today starts from 8.30 - 10.00 every Monday. but know what? we get home earlier than the time organized. at 9.45, yes that time. 15 minutes earlier =D
was boring class tadi, where we only watched a dvd from A SMALL SCREEN DVD PLAYER!
but enough to know how to pronounce the vowels of chinese words
like a, o, e, i, o, u.. and so on
it was like, mahn.. the teacher seems to be not interested in teaching. As she were supposed to attend her Malay Language class. However, she couldn't the time of her class is clashing with our Schedule Mandarin class. wathefff!!
I wonder who organized the schedule!!!????

Pity her, but we supports her saying we will teach you Lao shi! easy maaa~
hahahaah! one of Brunei student in my class saying that


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