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Monday, February 7, 2011


Hey Readers!
mahn, I didnt post anything since last Friday. 2days without blogging? I really miss it =(
blame to people who using this laptop where I cannot get a chance to touch or even used. haiyaa. nvm then, keep smiling like always =D

So yeah, last Saturday was a freaking scared day!
where DST started to message who register bout the results!
I already register through my b.mobile line, but b.mobile hasn't released the results yet. I'm so pissed with it, it's like after I know my results then barutah kan me-msg? that is wathefff..

To tell you guys, I only got 5O's =(
I'm glad to have that, but I didnt get my English! I'm so depressed with where I have to take that subject again on June O'level. mahn, I couldn't sleep just thinking bout my English and else, most of my friend got 8os, 7os and 6os. while me only 5os??? not enough bah! However, Alhamdulilah I can managed to get B for my Physics. the highest grade for my O'level result =D

Nevertheless, my previous ex tuition english teacher encouraged me and supports me to think positive and take the JUNE EXAM!! thanks cer =D

To be precise of my results, I only got 1B and the others were C
Physics - B
Chemistry - C
Additional Mathematics - C
Mathematics D - C
Bahasa Melayu - C

Geography - D
English - D
Biology - E

LOL to my BIO? wthell mahn, I never get passed on my Biology? hrmmmm. how would this happen to me? well, I don't like biology actually but I love the topic named INHERITANCE! That was the best topic ever I think~

So yeah, I'm going to take Physics, Maths and Chemist for my A level subject. I still do not know which school I want to go to. It seems like I don't want to go to Katok, with the same face everytime we met and yes his face on that school! only Jeedah understand this =D

I want to go MD, since my brother working near RIPAS. and it near for his work jua tu. and if I go to Meragang. SEEMS REALLY FAR FROM MY HOUSE. like how many kilometres to get there? anyone knows? hahahaa, but I think I'm going to stick to Katok. yes yes yes, FAMILIAR FACES AROUND ME IN KATOK AGAIN =='

I should end my post by now right? the longest writing I ever made for this blog don cha think?
I'll tell more on the next post

Loves, Munirah.

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