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Thursday, December 16, 2010


Optics clinic, RIPAS

went to clinic this morning, and I was still sleepy..cause I was on bed late last night =='
actually, I had an appointment with the doctor
to check either my eyes getting blurry or not
so far so good, no changes at all. HEHE!

In addition, my previous degree was -3.25, and now getting lesser to -2.50
seee, I'm a good take care buddy!

so chill~

any tips?

well yes!!

- do eat carrot a loaaadsss.(however, I dont eat it any longer)
- keep your distance away while watching tv.
- keep your screen on the lappy low, like very very low..
- always adjust your weight, if it's getting weigher you shall less eat..hahahah!

that's waht I did

I dont know the statement would help you or not

just for an healthy life =D

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